Web hosting

Colohouse Review: A Comprehensive Analysis (2024)

In today’s digital world, businesses of all sizes rely on robust and reliable IT infrastructure. Colohouse, a leading provider of colocation, hosting, and managed services, aims to address this need by offering a comprehensive suite of solutions. This review delves into Colohouse’s offerings, analyzing its strengths, weaknesses, pricing, customer support, and user experience to help you decide if it’s the right fit for your needs.

Company Overview

Established in 2008, Colohouse boasts over a decade of experience in the data center and network infrastructure industry. They operate their own SSAE-18 SOC 1 & SOC 2 certified data centers in New York and Chicago, ensuring compliance with various security and regulatory standards. Their core values of “One Team, One Mission,” “People First,” and “Aim to Amaze” emphasize a commitment to teamwork, customer service, and exceeding expectations.

Services Offered

Colohouse offers a diverse range of services, catering to various business needs:

  • Colocation: This service allows businesses to physically house their own servers and network equipment in Colohouse’s secure data centers. Colohouse provides space, power, cooling, and network connectivity, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
  • Web Hosting: Colohouse offers a variety of web hosting plans, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. These solutions cater to different needs in terms of performance, scalability, and control.
  • Managed Services: Colohouse offers a range of managed services, encompassing server management, network security, and backup and disaster recovery solutions. These services free businesses from the burden of managing their IT infrastructure, allowing them to focus on core operations.
  • Network Solutions: Colohouse provides reliable and high-performance network connectivity with diverse options like dedicated internet access, private lines, and cloud connectivity solutions.

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Strengths of Colohouse

  • Reliable Infrastructure: Colohouse owns and operates its data centers, offering greater control over security, performance, and maintenance. Their facilities are SSAE-18 SOC 1 & SOC 2 certified, ensuring adherence to industry-leading security and compliance standards.
  • Diverse Services: Colohouse provides a comprehensive suite of services, encompassing colocation, web hosting, managed services, and network solutions. This allows businesses to obtain all their IT infrastructure needs from a single vendor, simplifying management and potentially reducing costs.
  • Security: Colohouse prioritizes data security with features like 24/7/365 security monitoring, physical access control, and advanced firewalls. Additionally, their HIPAA compliance ensures that they meet the specific security requirements for handling Protected Health Information (PHI).
  • Customer Support: Colohouse offers 24/7 support through their online portal and by phone during business hours. They emphasize a customer-centric approach, aiming to resolve queries promptly and efficiently.
  • Positive Customer Reviews: Colohouse enjoys positive reviews from customers, praising their reliable infrastructure, responsive support, and commitment to customer satisfaction.

Weaknesses of Colohouse

  • Limited Data Center Locations: Colohouse currently operates data centers only in New York and Chicago. This might be a limiting factor for businesses requiring geographically diverse data center locations for disaster recovery or latency-sensitive applications.
  • Limited Information on Specific Pricing: While Colohouse provides pricing details for some services, specific plans and pricing might require contacting their sales team. This lack of readily available pricing information can make initial cost comparisons challenging.
  • Limited Scalability Options: While Colohouse offers various hosting plans, information on scaling options within plans might be limited. Businesses requiring significant future growth might need to consider alternative providers with more transparent scalability options within their plans.


Exact pricing information for Colohouse services is not readily available on their website. They offer a variety of plans with different specifications, making it difficult to provide a general cost estimate. However, Colohouse emphasizes offering competitive pricing and customized solutions to meet each client’s specific needs. It’s recommended to contact their sales team for tailored quotes.

Customer Support

Colohouse offers 24/7 support through their online portal and by phone from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) on weekdays. Their website provides access to knowledge base articles and FAQs to assist users with troubleshooting common issues.

User Experience

Colohouse’s website is user-friendly, offering clear information about its services, company values, and data center locations. However, readily available pricing information is limited, requiring inquiries to their sales team for specific quotes. The online portal allows users to manage accounts and access support resources.


Colohouse presents a strong option for businesses seeking reliable and secure colocation, hosting, and managed services. Their diverse offerings, robust infrastructure, and commitment to customer support make them a compelling choice. However, potential limitations

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